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About us

Our story

Written by Emily Morris
Updated over 4 months ago

McKenzie Intelligence Services (MIS) has been contracted by Lloyd's and the LMA since 2016 to deliver a service to the market of geospatial data and imagery analysis following natural catastrophes, and are best known for our work swiftly delivering reliable intelligence to claims, exposure management and data science teams following devastating global events. Our team of intelligence experts honed their skills in the UK military and humanitarian sectors, and have been amongst the first to arrive on the ground to assist survivors following catastrophes including flooding, hurricanes and infectious disease outbreaks around the world. We have been trained by NATO to know how to interpret imagery that may look blurry or of poor quality and understand what it means in practice for those on the ground and how to deliver a proactive response, since we have decades of combined experience. We also use an array of data sources to understand the situation beyond what imagery can tell us, and deliver this insight to the market in ways that they can action. We routinely also work with charities and humanitarian agencies.

We also pride ourselves on delivering expert consulting work on individual losses and contentious claims, and have been deposed on behalf of Lloyd's syndicates and global insurers, acting as expert witnesses on complex property, business interruption and reinsurance claims. We are able to use a catalogue of imagery dating back many years, as well as novel intelligence gathering techniques to ascertain timelines and facts from the ground, looking back in time in a way that loss adjusting and investigation can't.

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